Are you part of a faith based or other organisation?
Do you want to help destitute asylum seekers in a practical way?
Do you have space for up to ten beds?
Do you have a group of people who can provide a warm safe and welcoming environment to our guests?
After the success of our pilot last winter, WYDAN are opening our winter shelter again in mid-December 2016. The “shelter” is delivered to site on a Monday morning and guests usually arrive at 6pm and leave at 8am every day for a week.
We are looking for new organisations to host destitute asylum seekers.
Please do have a look at our website where you can find further information and the report from last year’s shelter. Full training and support is provided. Please do contact us via the website or email . We can provide you with more information and arrange for you to chat to our coordinator and / or one of our hosts from last winter.
If you are an individual who would like to support the shelter please see our website for volunteering opportunities.
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